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  1. Customers wishing to return merchandise must include a copy of the original invoice. Credits are granted at the discretion of H&A Mountings, Inc.

  2. Customers returning items 30 days after the invoice date will be charged a 10% restocking fee.

  3. All merchandise must be returned within 15 days of invoice date. Merchandise returned after this time period will be credited against future purchases and the amount of the invoice is still due and should be paid in full within 30 days.

  4. Items should be returned with a copy of the original invoice, and reason for return of the merchandise. Customers attempting to return item(s) without original packaging and any warranty information will be responsible for the shipping costs of returning the item(s) to them.

  5. Custom order merchandise is non-returnable, non-cancelable and non-refundable.

  6. Merchandise that has been altered (i.e., engraved, sized, etc.) or damaged by the customer is              non-returnable.

  7. Customer is responsible for all shipping and handling charges. Credit will be given for merchandises only.

  8. Any item that has manufacturing defects will be exchanged within 30 days.

  9. C.O.D. customers returning merchandise for credit may not utilize this credit amount immediately due to processing.


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Copyright © 2003 H&A Mountings, Inc.
Last modified: 09/30/11
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